Concerned with human sacrifice; Right-Wing Propaganda Grows: DYFI – DYFI

by time news

Thiruvananthapuram – DYFI expressed shock when the news of human sacrifice came out that shocked Kerala. The DYFI states that it will watch out for cases where religious belief grows into superstition and transforms into a social evil like this, and organize extensive campaigns to spread scientific thought and reform ideas more cautiously.

It is a shame that such an incident should not happen in Kerala, which is a model for the country in terms of social progress and literacy due to the strength of renaissance ideas and its continuity. Cultural Kerala should take seriously how such acts, which we are used to hearing only in the news, took place in the soil of Kerala. Propaganda of right-wing ideology in Kerala is the fodder for such reactionary forces.

Superstitions and superstitions are re-emerging and identity political ideologues are competing to give political and social support to it, and the social progress and renaissance values ​​that Kerala has achieved as a result of decades of efforts are being pushed back. Cases where religious belief grows into superstition and transforms into a social evil should be viewed with caution.

The poor people need to be freed from the hands of spiritual merchants and superstitious propagandists. Such incidents point to the political responsibility to propagate scientific thought and Renaissance ideas more cautiously. DYFI will organize extensive campaigns. DYFI also requested that the Kerala society as a whole should take up these responsibilities.

English Summary: DYFI against human sacrifice

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