Hearing disease, a disability that can be prevented more than believed

by time news

2024-03-21 15:30:54

Although most cases of hearing loss (or hearing loss) are preventable or can be detected early, countries like Colombia – with nearly 7 million people affected by this cause – need not only greater awareness regarding the impact of these deficiencies on their quality of life –for example at work–, but also ambitious promotion and prevention strategies promoted by the National Health System.

Regarding World Hearing Day – promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and celebrated recently –, audiologist Liliana Akli Serpa, director of Rehabilitation and Human Development at the National University Hospital of Colombia (HUN) of the National University of Colombia (UNAL), highlights that “in terms of costs, a person with hearing loss affects the production systems of a society by not being able to communicate, which prevents their incorporation into working life and their development as a human being from learning. and active communication.”

Specifically, the WHO has pointed out that in developing countries, children with hearing loss or deafness tend not to attend school.

This year the WHO campaign has revolved around the problems derived from misconceptions and stigmatizing mentalities in society, addressing the lack of awareness and clear information that exists both in the general population and among health care providers, an important bet considering that it is estimated that by 2050 hearing diseases will affect at least 2.5 billion people.

“Without a doubt, this is a worrying panorama that should alert society,” says the academic, professor at the UNAL Faculty of Medicine. The consequences of this condition – which are broad and can be profound – include loss of the ability to communicate with others and delayed language development in children, which can lead to social isolation and feelings of loneliness and frustration, particularly in older adults. old people.

From the follow-up of HUN patients, it was found that in the population group of older adults, more than 90% have hearing loss, caused, among other factors, by excessive exposure to noise or comorbidities such as chronic non-communicable diseases (cardiovascular, hypertension or some medications).

“Hearing health care must be addressed because if the loss in an older adult is not detected in time, diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias can cause problems more quickly, due to the lack of hearing as an exacerbating factor. ”, he highlights.

“The older adult isolates himself, stops stimulating his communication through hearing and accelerates the normal aging process, turning it into a progressive disease.”

Hearing health is a public health issue that national health systems must prioritize. (Photo: Jonathan García Jiménez, Communications Hospital Universitario Nacional de Colombia)

Less exposure to noise

Hearing loss is classified as mild, moderate, and severe or profound, and can affect one or both ears. Among the main causes are congenital, those acquired in early childhood, chronic infections of the middle ear and hearing loss induced by noise (related to age) or due to ototoxic drugs that damage the inner ear.

Prevention is essential, and that is why the audiologist mentions that lifestyle habits must be changed regarding exposure to noise, such as using headphones properly and reducing concerts, typified as “recreational noise,” in which it is considered that From 80 decibels for more than 8 hours in a row, hearing deterioration begins.

It also highlights the factors that help to know if you are beginning to suffer from a hearing condition, such as asking to repeat certain information in a conversation or starting to speak louder.

Regarding clinical warning signs, it is recommended to be especially careful with tinnitus, an auditory sign related to the perception of noises or ringing in the ears, also ear pain, and of course hearing loss.

To have good hearing health, it is recommended not to insert straws or toothpicks into the ears to clean them, and to go to the audiology consultation with periodic check-ups for hearing evaluation.

“Within the Health Development Plan, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection included chronic non-communicable diseases such as speech pathologies, oral, visual and hearing health as an approach to health promotion and maintenance, which is why they are required for entry into working life or entry into student life, in the same way they can be derived from primary care for study,” says the expert.

To make a correct differential diagnosis of hearing health, you must start with tonal audiometry, which in conjunction with lobo-audiometry and acoustic imitation.

Dr. Akli invites us to change our mentality with a prevention approach: “if it is detected in time, we can intervene, since once the condition is acquired there is no reverse, and its increase will be slow but progressive.” (Source: UNAL News Agency)

#Hearing #disease #disability #prevented #believed

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