Insidious cancer strikes middle-aged women: the disease reveals itself by eating

by times news cr

2024-03-28 20:39:38

The earlier you notice the warning signs of cancer, the sooner you can seek treatment. Therefore, the disease will not have time to spread, it will be easier to curb it. Cancer is not a death sentence, doctors emphasize. Especially if the oncological disease is diagnosed in time.

Ovarian cancer is an insidious disease with no specific symptoms. Symptoms of the disease are thought to appear only when the cancer is advanced. The “silent killer” is what this disease is called.

In the UK alone, more than 4,000 people die from ovarian cancer every year. It has been observed that ovarian cancer is diagnosed much more often in women who have already experienced menopause, and the diagnosis of the disease before the 40th birthday is quite rare.

It is comforting that there are certain signs that can give away cancer before it is too late.

An important symptom of the disease can be observed while eating. This is a decreased appetite and a quick feeling of satiety.

“Women may notice a loss of appetite or not being able to finish a normal portion of food,” said London-based GP Stephanie Ooi.

England’s National Health Service (NHS) lists “lack of appetite or feeling full quickly after eating” as one of the most common signs of cancer.

Important: warns about the disease frequent occurrence of this symptom, that is, 12 or more times a month.

Of course, if you lose your appetite, you don’t need to panic and think the worst, but it would be wise to visit a doctor who will help you determine the real cause of the ailment.

The doctor named other symptoms that should be paid attention to.

“Pain in the back, abdomen or during intercourse can also be an early sign of cancer, and some women will notice a more frequent feeling of bloating,” said the doctor.

She warned that unexplained weight loss could also be a sign of cancer.

“Any of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you have ovarian cancer, but if you’re worried you should see your GP,” added the doctor.

Statistics from Cancer Research UK show that more than 7,000 new cases of ovarian cancer are diagnosed in the UK each year.

The NHS provides a comprehensive list of ovarian cancer symptoms:

– Swollen abdomen or bloating;

– pain or tenderness in the abdomen or the area between the hips (pelvis);

– Absence of appetite or a quick feeling of satiety;

– Urgent need to urinate or more frequent trips to the toilet;

– Digestive disorders;

– Constipation or diarrhea;

– Back pain;

– Constant fatigue;

– Unexplained weight loss;

– Vaginal bleeding after menopause.

If you experience any unexplained symptoms, contact your GP.

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2024-03-28 20:39:38

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