On the beach in Brazil – man killed by shark while peeing – News abroad

by time news

Marcelo Rocha Santos (51) had drunk a little too much and was just about to relieve his bladder in the Atlantic when a shark attacked him on the beach in Jaboatao dos Guararapes (Brazil).

The predator bit off the drunken Santos’ hand and a piece of his leg. Friends dragged his lifeless body to the beach, but there was nothing more they could do for Santos. The Brazilian was pronounced dead in the hospital.

▶︎ Bitter: Sharks have already attacked bathers twelve times on this stretch of beach, and signs everywhere warn of the danger of sharks.

Why did Santos go into the water anyway?

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/marcelorocha.santos.942

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/das-opfer-marcelo-rocha-santos-wurde-nur-51-jahre-alt-d040e8870e864bd3982a50c8b97a7360-77082396/Bild/3.bild. jpg “/>

The victim Marcelo Rocha Santos was only 51 years oldPhoto: https://www.facebook.com/marcelorocha.santos.942

Überall am Strand stehen Schilder, die vor Hai-Angriffen warnenFoto: picture alliance / dpa

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/ueberall-am-strand-haben-schilder-die-vor-hai-angriffen-warnen-3d1eb89a38fa433ea776d87f8c1dd104-77082416/Bild/3.bild. jpg “/>

There are signs all over the beach warning of shark attacksFoto: picture alliance / dpa

Schockierte Gäste schauen auf Santos‘ leblosen KörperPhoto: Mata Noticias TV / Facebook

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/schockierte-gaeste-schauen-auf-santos-leblosen-koerper-bc9287db698948b0990ea2b778488a39-77082428/Bild/3.bild.jpg “/>

Shocked guests look at Santos’ lifeless bodyPhoto: Mata Noticias TV / Facebook

According to Ademir Sebastiao da Silva, who wanted to pee in the sea next to Santos, there are no toilets on the beach.

The Brazilian had also arranged to meet friends to have a drink on the beach, and was drunk when he tried to relieve himself in the sea around 2 p.m. It is possible that the intoxicated man underestimated the danger.

But even the lifeguard should not have warned Santos and da Silva despite the numerous signs – because, in his opinion, they should not have been deep enough in the water. Shark attacks happen more often around this rainy season, because: In the murky water, the actually shy predators often mistake people for their natural prey.


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