The Importance of Vitamin B12 and Normal Ranges According to Age

by time news

2023-10-05 08:47:57
New Research Sheds Light on Vitamin B12: Importance, Normal Range, and Sources

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient for maintaining overall health and performing vital bodily functions. It is crucial for red blood cell production, DNA synthesis, and proper nerve function. However, a deficiency in this vitamin can lead to serious health problems, including anemia, nerve damage, and cognitive impairment.

According to Dr. Ekta Singwal, an expert in nutrition at Ujala Cygnus Hospital Group, the normal range for vitamin B12 varies according to age. These ranges serve as general guidelines for what is typically considered normal:

– Infants (0-12 months): 200-900 picograms per milliliter (pg/mL)
– Children (1-18 years): 200-600 bg/ml
– Adults (19-64 years): 200-900 bg/ml
– Seniors (65 and older): 200-700 pg/ml

However, Dr. Singwal points out that these ranges may slightly differ between different sources and can be influenced by factors such as diet, genetics, and individual health conditions. Consulting a healthcare professional is crucial to interpret specific test results and determine if any action, such as dietary changes or nutritional supplements, is necessary to address a vitamin B12 deficiency or maintain optimal levels.

It is important to be aware of the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. Dr. Rajkumar, a Senior Consultant in Internal Medicine at the Indian Spinal Injuries Center in New Delhi, highlights the following symptoms to watch out for:

– Exhaustion
– Pale skin
– Tingling or numbness sensation in the hands or feet
– Muscle weakness
– Mouth ulcers
– Vision problems
– Inflammation and redness of the tongue
– Anorexia

To detect vitamin B12 deficiency, a complete blood count (CBC) test can be conducted. Dr. Rajkumar outlines several risk factors for vitamin B12 deficiency, including the elderly, individuals with digestive disorders, those suffering from pernicious anemia, and infants born to vegetarian women.

The best sources of vitamin B12 are animal products such as eggs, meat, and fish like tuna and salmon. However, for vegetarians, finding alternatives can be challenging. Some vegetarian-friendly options to consider include vegetarian milk cheese, yogurt, nutritional yeast, fortified cereals, vegetarian meat, and mushrooms.

It is worth noting that while the liver stores an abundance of vitamin B12, deficiencies can still occur due to nutritional deficiencies, malabsorption, or lack of internal factors.

Maintaining adequate levels of vitamin B12 is essential for overall health. Considering the normal range based on age, recognizing symptoms of deficiency, identifying risk factors, and knowing alternative food sources can help individuals ensure they are meeting their vitamin B12 needs.]
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