Ann-Kathrin Götze talks about her marriage to Mario and the second baby: Things are going well | Entertainment

by time news

2023-10-18 14:04:32

Soon this beautiful family will be four. While Mario Götze (31) is kicking the balls on the pitch, his wife Ann-Kathrin’s (33) sweet baby ball is getting bigger and bigger. They are expecting their second child soon. But family life doesn’t always mean taking it easy.

In an interview with “ InStyle Mini and Me“ Model Ann-Kathrin Götze now chats pleasantly about her family life between the football field and meetings.

In the current issue of “InStyle Mini & Me” Ann-Kathrin Götze talks about her family life


The Götzes have been a couple for over ten years. HE professional footballer. SHE model and influencer (1.9 million Instagram followers). Three years ago, their son Rome crowned their love. Her little girl will be born soon.

Is the couple taking a more relaxed approach to the second pregnancy? “The advantage is that you have experienced everything before. Therefore, you know which products are good, what you need to prepare for, and which examinations are important. “You don’t have to read up so much anymore, you’re already more familiar with the topic,” says Ann-Kathrin in the interview.

The small family has more routine, but at the same time the couple is also more vigilant this time.

“Because Rome was born prematurely and I have a few health problems that I need to be aware of, it is now a high-risk pregnancy,” explains Ann-Kathrin. Sport is therefore taboo and travel is currently restricted for the businesswoman, who also founded a children’s fashion label.

Beautiful fashion mommy! Ann-Kathrin cuddles up to Rome, her tummy bulging under the lace dress


She creates moments of refueling in everyday life

But everyday life with just one small child is not without its pitfalls. That’s why the model occasionally pulls herself out of the hustle and bustle.

“I try to incorporate me-time into my everyday life, for example when I take a little more time for my skincare routine or for make-up. Or when I go to a café after a meeting to have a quiet coffee,” she says.

“It doesn’t have to be a whole day, but it’s important to me that I take myself out every now and then and have a short moment of enjoyment for myself.” For Götze, they make the difference. “And then you’re ready to fight again,” she adds.

With their college jackets they show that dad and son play on the same team. Are the young soccer players already in the starting blocks here?


She wants stability for her kids

A topic that has only concerned her since she became a mother: “How your environment, including your childhood friends, shapes you.” Ann-Kathrin Götze grew up “very sheltered” with two brothers in the small town of Emmerich (North Rhine-Westphalia).

She remembers: “I went to primary school and later to secondary school with the children I was in kindergarten with. I wanted the same thing for my children. Unfortunately, this is difficult due to our frequent moves, but I still want them to have a carefree childhood.”

The couple has had to pack the moving boxes several times. Mario Götze started his career at Borussia Dortmund and moved to FC Bayern Munich in 2013. Three years later he returned to BVB. In 2020 he moved to PSV Eindhoven in the Netherlands. His Ann-Kathrin moved to Düsseldorf with Rome, Mario commuted back and forth. The family has been living together in Frankfurt/Main since last year.

The Götzes on New Year’s Eve 2022

Photo: Instagram/annkathrin

But there is also something she misses from her life before children…

The lightheartedness. Götze reveals: “I think from the moment you find out you’re pregnant, you start to worry. I miss the carefree life sometimes. During the day there are countless thoughts that keep you busy: Are you eating enough? Are they developing normally? Are you too warm or too cold? You probably can never fully prepare for the worries of being a mother, even though my friends probably warned me.”

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The influencer often shares beautiful snapshots of her baby ball on Instagram

Photo: Instagram/annkathrin

The fashion-loving mom has been spared one worry so far. Power struggles when getting dressed in the morning. Does Rome care about his outfit?

“Fortunately not yet, which I’m also very grateful for when I hear about the morning discussions among friends, in which children express quite precisely what they want to wear and what they don’t.”

Ann-Kathrin also had clear ideas at first: “At the beginning I fell for these beautiful children’s things that looked great but were impractical,” she says looking back.

But practicality could soon be over – when the cute (but impractical) baby dresses for your little daughter are enticing. Let’s see if Ann-Kathrin can really resist that…

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