Happy Ostara, Spring Equinox 2024 – Astrology

by time news

“The way we hear is with our imagination, the voice of the unconscious. The way we understand is with our intelligence, the voice of reason. The way we respond is with our creativity, the voice of the spirit.”

– On Samhain, November, the beginning of the year in the sacred feminine, we traveled with the ancient Greek Goddess, the ancient Hecate to, at the crossroads/trivia/rebirth decide if we were willing to walk into the unknown. What new path do we choose? What part of our lives were we willing to leave behind?

– At Yule, Winter Solstice, December, we gave birth, together with the Great Mother, to the divine light of life that is born in the darkness of winter and the unconscious. We grow in the hope and joy of this new thing born. Inside us, in the spiritual immanence, and outside, in the symbolic of the growing and transcendent solar heat. Time to develop the archetype of goddesses like the eastern Kwan Yin.

– At Imbolc, in February, we sought a vision of the new life that was growing in us during this turn of the spiral of the wheel of the year. The Celtic Goddess Brighid tuned us to our creative imagination. We asked ourselves: how will we work with this new light within us? What do we want to create this year? We clarify this new vision involving imagination and intuition to see where this new vitality, energy and meaning wants to go, where they want us to go, what they have to tell us.

– Now, in Ostara, March, at the Spring Equinox, we begin to emerge from the darkness to realize, to flesh out our vision. What has been growing within us is now ready to emerge into the world. Who we are determines our actions and our destiny. Knowing ourselves strengthens our purpose and reinforces self-love. As we awaken to our true power – the process of individuating ourselves, of growing into the unified human and divine dimensions – we strengthen our masculine and feminine energies. Ostara is the celebration of the balance of both polarities within us, Yin and Yang, in the harmonious reflection of our one essence.

The Celtic Goddess Eostre of Fertility, gave her name to Easter, Easter, and together with the Greek Goddesses Artemis, the Great Huntress, archetype of the warrior, and Persephone, the lady who in winter descends to the underworld and brings back the fruit of her descent in spring, it evokes the fundamental lesson of Ostara: the reconnection to the vitality of the nature that we are, the empowerment of our masculine, active, expressive, solar energy, in the manifestation of new fruits, fecundity and recreation.

The Spring Equinox is a symbol of resurrection – which is why Christian Easter (named after the ancient goddess Ostara) and Jewish Easter are celebrated at this time of year. The days grow longer, animals become more active, migratory birds return to build their nests and give birth to their young, and wildflowers awaken from their winter slumber. Spring is a time of rebirth, growth and change, when we feel like we have emerged from the darkness and cold of winter into new life. It is time to assert ourselves and take things to the next step in their creation. With the fire of life force. What do you want to grow in yours?

When the Goddess Persephone returned from the underworld in the spring, she came greatly transformed, from maiden to woman and mother; we too have changed, since the initiatory season of Samhain. How have we changed since last October/November? … Persephone is now a queen, a powerful woman who creates her own life because she knows her inner depths. When we embrace Persephone’s energy and make it ours, we can embody this new life we ​​were born to co-create.

Pre-recorded online video workshop
Around 2:30 am with lecture, exercises, meditation. Includes PDF manual.

Vera Leal FemininoConsciente EViagens

Instagram: vera_faria_leal

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