Mirciny Moliviatis was featured on the international media RT in Spanish – 2024-03-22 14:22:09

by times news cr

2024-03-22 14:22:09

The Guatemalan chef Mirciny Moliviatis was recently interviewed by international media RT in Spanish where he shared a little more about his career and the rich history and culture of Guatemalan gastronomy.

That pride! Mirciny Moliviatis continues to raise the name of Guatemala and through her work in her kitchen she allows people from different parts of the world to learn more about our country.

RT in Español interviewed Guatemalan chef Mirciny Moliviatis

In a interview made by him international media RT in Spanishthe renowned Guatemalan chef Mirciny Moliviatis He opened the doors of his kitchen to share his exciting culinary career and his deep love for the rich gastronomic culture of his country.

“For me, cooking is the best cultural expression that a country has,” said the chef, highlighting how each dish represents not only a banquet for the palate, but also a window into the history and ancient legacy of Guatemala.

Description of the photo for people with visual disabilities: photograph presented during the interview where Mirciny appears with some of the chefs with whom he prepared. (Credit: Courtesy of Mirciny Moliviatis)

During the interview Moliviatis revealed the reasons that led her to become a chef, sharing details about her beginnings in the kitchen and her training in Spain. She also shared that, despite having prepared abroad, her love for her homeland brought her back to Guatemala, because her “root and strength will always be Guatemala,” as she herself stated. .

The chef also spoke about her participation in the program “El Sabor de la Tierra”, where, together with Guatemalan chef Eduardo González, she explored the culinary diversity of Guatemala, and what it means to her to be a Cultural Ambassador of Guatemalan Gastronomy. designated by the Ministry of Culture of Guatemala.

The story that Guatemalan gastronomy tells

In the interview, Moliviatis shared a fascinating story that illustrates the deep history behind Guatemalan gastronomy.

He recalled his visit to Holmul, an archaeological site where there is a frieze, considered one of the most spectacular, in which appears the image of a king being reborn and to whom two elderly gods give him an object identified as the “first tamale.” ».

Mirciny commented that this ancient symbolism transforms the meaning of the tamale, revealing how this ancient food becomes a tangible link to the origins of humanity. “Every bite you try of Guatemalan cuisine has a story behind it,” the chef emphasized, highlighting the cultural depth of each dish.

Mirciny Moliviatis, a prominent figure in the culinary world

The Guatemalan is recognized for her participation in the programs “Puro Chef”, “Desafío Culinario” and “Paso a Paso con Mirciny Moliviatis” and for her book “Viviendo la Receta”, which was certified as the second best culinary book in the world. .

Description of the photo for people with visual disabilities: the Guatemalan chef appears in her kitchen uniform posing for the photo. (Credit: Mirciny Moliviatis)

With her passion for cooking and her commitment to preserving Guatemala’s gastronomic heritage, Mirciny Moliviatis continues to inspire through her dishes and her dedication to sharing history and culture through the art of gastronomy. Her culinary legacy transcends borders, carrying with it the flavor and essence of a nation rich in traditions and unique flavors.

The second season of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire has already premiered? Guatemala

Discover how dreams come true in each chapter of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Guatemala. Premieres every Wednesday at 8:00 pm on Guatemala.com TV.

You can watch the program on television on: Channel 30 on Tigo and Channel 46 on Claro. In addition, you can see it on the internet from

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