The Barbara Karlich Show: Finally allergy-free! from April 3rd, 2023 at 4:02 p.m. – ORF-TVthek

by time news

Talc | The Barbara Karlich Show

Finally allergy free!

Watery eyes, itchy skin, runny nose: allergies have increased significantly in recent years. The trend can be seen worldwide and especially in industrialized nations: hay fever, asthma and neurodermatitis are increasing rapidly. In Austria, every fourth person is affected in the course of his life. Pollen, house dust mites and animal dander are the most common causes of respiratory allergies. An allergy is an overactivity of the immune system. Our bodies have learned to fight off invaders of all kinds. In the case of an allergy, the body reacts much more strongly to the respective substances than is necessary. Where do allergies come from and what are the causes? Which treatment methods, such as hyposensitization, can be useful, and how can allergy triggers be successfully reduced?

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