“The first step to managing blood sugar for longevity, start with ‘farro’, which is rich in dietary fiber.”

by times news cr

2024-03-26 20:50:23

Grain on Faro
‘Blood sugar spike’, a rapid rise in blood sugar level after a meal… Increased insulin resistance increases risk of diabetes and other diseases
It is helpful to plan your diet with complex carbohydrate ‘faro’… Low sugar, no blood sugar burden and antioxidant effect

As the saying goes that what you eat is what makes you, we live in an era where we must be picky about each meal we eat. As interest in health care and diet increases, superfoods and special staple grains are no longer the exclusive preserve of celebrities, but have become popular enough to be on many people’s tables.

Anyone interested in health care is likely aware of the risks and drawbacks of modern refined grains. Grains and carbohydrates that have gone through various processing and refining processes quickly raise blood sugar levels after a meal, are high in calories, and have a relatively low nutrient absorption rate, which has been pointed out as a major cause of obesity and various adult diseases. In particular, Koreans, whose daily carbohydrate intake is about 307.8g, which is more than three times the world average or recommended amount, should be especially careful about what carbohydrates they consume.

Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet conducted a test on elderly people who had reached the age of 100 or older and found that ‘blood sugar management’ was the secret to a long, disease-free life. The blood sugar levels of subjects over 100 years of age were significantly lower than those in the test group. In order to live a healthy life beyond 100, blood sugar management is essential.

Many people are aware of the dangers of high blood sugar, but considering the eating habits of Koreans whose staple food is carbohydrates, managing blood sugar levels requires constant effort and is not easy to put into practice.

Before managing your blood sugar, you must avoid ‘blood sugar spikes’

A blood sugar spike is a sudden increase in blood sugar after a meal. If you experience extreme fatigue and drowsiness after eating, or feel hungry quickly, you should suspect a blood sugar spike. When blood sugar levels rise and fall rapidly, large amounts of free radicals that damage cells are generated. Caution must be taken because free radicals can cause cancer, cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, etc.

Rapid fluctuations in blood sugar are associated with insulin secretion from the pancreas. When you consume sugar that is absorbed quickly or is high in the body, the pancreas produces excessive insulin. This not only puts a strain on the pancreas, but if it continues, insulin resistance develops, increasing the risk of diabetes and various diseases.

Blood sugar spikes like this need to be managed because they have a negative effect on the human body, and eating vegetables first during meals is very helpful. Additionally, avoiding sitting or lying down right after eating and walking for at least 30 minutes is very helpful in managing blood sugar. If you can afford it, we recommend walking at a fast pace or with long strides.

Complex carbohydrates help manage blood sugar

When the level of blood sugar in the body rises, glucose is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water by insulin, then converted to glycogen and stored in the liver and muscles. When blood sugar is low, glycogen stored in the liver and muscles is converted back to glucose. Likewise, muscles also play a role in managing blood sugar levels. Therefore, increasing muscle mass through strength training is also very helpful in managing blood sugar.

Koreans’ staple food is rice, and they also enjoy bread and noodles. A variety of foods tailored to this eating pattern are sold on the market, and if you prefer refined carbohydrates, replacing them with complex carbohydrates from now on will help manage your blood sugar. This is because refined carbohydrates are quickly absorbed into the body and cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, but complex carbohydrates are slow to be absorbed and digested by the body and do not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels.

You should also consider complex carbohydrates before choosing them.

There are many different types of complex carbohydrates. Among them, it is important to choose foods that are low in sugar and high in ingredients that are beneficial to our body. ‘Farro’, which has these elements, has about one-third less sugar than kamut, which is known as a low-sugar grain. Due to the characteristics of ancient grains, their genes have been inherited without modification, and their properties have been maintained for about 12,000 years from the first cultivation to the present.

Farro has very low phytic acid and sugar content, which adsorbs calcium, magnesium, iron, etc. and prevents their absorption in the body, but is rich in dietary fiber and plant protein. Due to its high antioxidant compound content, it can help improve immunity and prevent various geriatric diseases, as well as beautify the skin.

Among the antioxidant compounds contained in farro, selenium helps prevent skin aging and improves hair loss, while carotenoids help revitalize the skin. In the case of ferulic acid, it can be expected to suppress melanin production and protect collagen and elastin. Lutein helps with eye health. Farro, which is rich in antioxidants, can greatly help with antioxidants, skin health, and diet.

It is also rich in ingredients such as arabinoxylan, polyphenol, and phytosterol, which help lower the level of bad cholesterol, LDL. In addition, there are as many as 60 types of ingredients that are beneficial to our body, including 10 types of essential amino acids, 9 types of minerals, and 10 types of vitamins.

If you plan your diet with complex carbohydrates, such as farro, that are low in sugar and rich in beneficial ingredients, you will be able to kill two birds with one stone: managing blood sugar levels and maintaining good health.

Sufficient sleep is also important

Sufficient sleep helps reduce insulin resistance. Conversely, lack of sleep can increase insulin resistance. The recommended sleep time for adults is 6 to 8 hours, so it is not good to sleep less or more than this.

In addition to the amount of sleep you get, whether you get quality sleep is also very important. If you have poor sleeping habits and cannot fall into a deep sleep, you will easily wake up from even the slightest stimulus. Therefore, in order to develop good sleep habits, it is a good idea to darken your surroundings and avoid electronic devices such as smartphones or TVs before going to sleep.

Reporter Park Ji-hye wisdom99@donga.com

2024-03-26 20:50:23

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