Why does it happen and how does it affect?

by time news

2023-12-01 11:18:00

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In line with the NOAA predictions, a new eruption of super-hot plasma, known as a coronal mass ejection (CME), could cause damage to Earth this weekend. When faced with the news, it is common to ask: How does this phenomenon influence our planet? To know, you only need to observe the consequences it has had on previous occasions.

During the week of March 24 of this same year, a gigantic hole was detected in the solar corona, specifically in the southern hemisphere. It is estimated that its size ranged between 300,000 and 400,000 kilometers wide, meaning it could have housed approximately thirty Earth-like planets.

Video: 10 shocking images of the Sun

The implications were not particularly severe: fluctuations in the voltage of electrical networks and occasional interruptions in the GPS system. Likewise, it was necessary to monitor all satellites in low Earth orbit, as they may have experienced slight changes in their movement, speed and trajectory.

A solar superstorm hits the Earth every 1,000 years

The Earth is a common victim of the effects of a solar storm, and in the past the effects became much more severe. This is the case, for example, of evento Carringtona powerful solar storm that occurred in 1859. It was named after British astronomer Richard Carrington, who observed and recorded sunspots that produced the most intense geomagnetic storm ever recorded on Earth.

The storm caused disruption of telegraph systems in Europe and North America, as currents induced by the geomagnetic storm overloaded telegraph lines, causing sparks, fires, and equipment damage.

Representation of the magnetosphere.

It is difficult to know how such an event would affect the world today, but in 2008, the United States National Academy of Sciences released an analysis about the likely consequences. The conclusion is that an event of such magnitude would cause unprecedented disruption in the social, political and economic spheres worldwide, vastly overcoming the effects of the pandemic. The total economic impact could exceed $2 billion in the United States or 20 times the costs of Hurricane Katrina.


A solar storm, also known as a geomagnetic storm, is a phenomenon that occurs when the Sun emits a large amount of charged particles and electromagnetic radiation that ininteracts with the Earth’s magnetic field and the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

These solar storms typically originate from events on the Sun’s surface, such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs), solar flares, and high-speed solar wind streams. Coronal mass ejections are massive releases of plasma and magnetic fields from the Sun, while solar flares are sudden bursts of energy that release electromagnetic radiation.

How dangerous is a large solar storm?

When these particles and radiation reach Earth, they can interact with the Earth’s magnetic field and cause a variety of effects. Among them, the generation of induced geomagnetic currents on the Earth’s surface, which can affect electrical networks and communications, as well as cause auroras at high and low latitudes.


This image captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory on June 20, 2013 shows bright light from a solar flare on the left side of the Sun.

Although solar storms occur regularly, most of them are of moderate intensity and have limited impact on Earth’s infrastructure. However, It is possible that one day a much more powerful storm will occur that jeopardizes our survival..

The NOAA (US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) uses a 5-level scale to classify the intensity of solar or geomagnetic storms, known as the G scale of geomagnetic storms. These levels are based on the Kp geomagnetic index, which measures fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field.

G1 – Minor: Corresponds to a Kp index of 5. It can cause slight effects on electrical networks, small energy fluctuations and visible auroras at high latitudes.

G2 – Moderate: Corresponds to a Kp index of 6. It can cause more widespread auroras, anomalous voltages in energy systems and possible effects on satellites orbiting the Earth.

G3 – Strong: Corresponds to a Kp index of 7. It can generate energy fluctuations in electrical grids, difficulties in controlling the electrical grid, possible impacts on satellite navigation and visible auroras at lower than normal latitudes.

G4 – Severa: Corresponds to a Kp index of 8. It can cause more serious problems in electrical systems, interruptions in satellite navigation and communications, and auroras visible at even lower latitudes.

G5 – Extreme: Corresponds to a Kp index of 9. It can cause failures in electrical networks, extensive damage to transformers, widespread interruptions in communications and satellite navigation, and visible auroras at very low latitudes.

These magnitude levels allow NOAA to provide useful alerts and forecasts to authorities, businesses, and the public so they can take precautions and prepare to face possible impacts of solar storms.


Prepare for and survive a particularly powerful solar storm requires planning and preventive measures. Below are some strategies to deal with these types of events:

Be informed: Stay up to date with space weather alerts and forecasts issued by agencies such as NOAA and other similar organizations. These alerts can provide advance information about potential solar storms.

Emergency plan: Develop an emergency plan for your home and family that includes actions to take in the event of a severe solar storm. Make sure all family members know the plan and know how to execute it. Keep extra batteries or external chargers to charge your phone, laptop, and other small electronic devices in case of a power outage.

Communications: Make sure you have alternative communication methods available, such as shortwave radios or citizen band (CB) radios, as cell phone and internet networks may be affected during a solar storm.

Supply Reserves: Store non-perishable food, drinking water and essential medicines for at least two weeks, in case prolonged power outages occur and affect the supply of basic goods.

Backup power: Consider investing in a portable generator and keep it charged and ready to go. Make sure you have enough fuel stored safely for operation.

Protection of electronic devices: Electronic devices can be affected by solar storms. To protect them, use surge protectors on your devices and consider storing additional electronics, such as radios and flashlights, in a Faraday cage or electromagnetic shielding (EMP) bags.

Vehicle preparation: Vehicle electronic systems can also be affected by intense solar storms. Make sure your vehicle is in good condition and has a full tank of fuel.

Finance: Have cash on hand, as electronic transactions and ATMs may be affected by power outages or communications interruptions.

Community networks: Collaborate with your neighbors and the local community to develop emergency plans and share resources in the event of a severe solar storm.

Survival skills training: Learn basic survival skills, such as first aid, how to make a fire, how to purify water, and how to grow and preserve food.

#happen #affect

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