UN demands release of journalist jailed for leaking Kovid news – NEWS 360 – WORLD

by time news

BEIJING: The United Nations has called for the release of Shang Shan, a 38-year-old journalist who honestly covered the news of the first Kovid outbreak in Wuhan. The family says Shan’s health has deteriorated, she has lost weight and she could die at any moment after fasting against the persecution of the Chinese government. Urgent action must be taken to save Shane’s life.

Shawn, who is also a lawyer, is the man who had the courage to face Wuhanin in February 2020. Along with the video footage, they informed the world about the horrors in Wuhan through social media. Instead of trying to control Kovid, China tried to cover up and keep the truth out. With the release of Shawn’s videos, it became clear to the world.

In unjust detention

In May 2020, authorities arrested Shane. He was sentenced to four years in prison.

They are charged with intentional inciting conflict and attempting to provoke the community. Shawn has fasted several times against unjust detention. But the authorities completely ignored it. With this, the family came forward to the global organizations and countries with the application. The question also arises as to whether such a cruel punishment has been reserved for the young woman who risked her life to tell the world the truth.

Words of the United Nations

Shawn is a symbol of unwavering willpower and determination. The world needs them. That precious life cannot be lost prematurely, “said Martha Hurtado, a United Nations spokeswoman. Martha recalled that the United Nations had intervened several times since Shane was arrested and unjustly detained. It should be clarified what are the charges against Shane. Procedures should be transparent. A fair trial should be held. However, despite repeated convictions, the Chinese authorities remain silent. She did her duty as a journalist. No problem created. They fought for the good of the world.

Along with Shane, four other civil rights activists are in jail on similar charges.

It is essential to prevent any disease as honest information must be communicated to the world in a timely manner. Individuals will intervene when they feel the government has failed. It’s natural. It should not be unjustly detained, threatened or punished – says Martha.

Freedom of expression is the lifeblood of the modern world. Without media freedom, no country can move forward transparently. The world must stand together to stop Kovid. That is not the right course of action. “Once again, we demand that Shane be released,” Martha said.

Draft in the eyes of the authorities

Shan is already a target in the eyes of the Chinese authorities. They were arrested in 2019 for supporting the civil rights movement in Hong Kong. After his release, he went to Wuhan and was arrested again.


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