Too Much Vitamin C: Is It Harmful?

by time news

Too Much Vitamin C? That’s not possible, is it? When you think of vitamin C, you think of your resistance. Catch a cold? Eat extra oranges! But is too much vitamin C possible? And if so, what do you notice?

What does vitamin C do to your body?

Vitamin C is a very important vitamin, especially for runners. Vitamin C is very important for your immune system. In addition, your muscles need vitamin C for this reason. It also plays an important role in wound healing, keeps your bones strong, provides beautiful skin and improves brain function.

Is a high dose of vitamin C harmful?

It may sound like you can never get enough of it, but that’s not true. Some supplements contain extremely high amounts of vitamin C, which can lead to side effects.

Symptoms of vitamin C excess

With an excess of vitamin C, your digestive system protests. Your bowels begin to rumble and nausea soon sets in. What causes that? At vitamin C doses that are higher than the body needs, the unabsorbed vitamin C in the large intestine attracts water. This can cause diarrhea and other intestinal complaints.

Also read: Stomach and intestinal complaints: Allergy or intolerance?

If you take too much vitamin C, you slow down the absorption of copper. A copper deficiency can cause anemia, a reduced immune system and bone abnormalities. If you take vitamin C, you increase your absorption of iron. Then comes in handy if you want to improve your iron deficiency, but too much is not good. Too much iron can make you chronically tired. It can also damage some organs.

Can Vitamin C Give You Headaches?

Some vitamins can give you a headache if you take too much. This applies, for example, to vitamins A and D, but also to the mineral magnesium. Taking too much vitamin C will not give you a headache.

Can you die from vitamin C?

By taking very high doses of vitamin C, you also increase your absorption of iron considerably. Over time, this can damage your liver, pancreas, intestines and heart. People who suffer from hereditary iron overload (hemochromatosis) or certain blood diseases are therefore advised not to take dietary supplements with vitamin C.

How much vitamin C is too much?

Vitamin C is water soluble. This allows your body to excrete excess amounts through your urine. It is therefore quite difficult to get too much vitamin C. Yet it sometimes happens. How much vitamin C is too much?

There is no official upper limit, as with vitamin D, for vitamin C. If you take more than 1 gram of vitamin C daily, it is likely that you will be dealing with the laxative effect. If you use supplements, check the label to see how much vitamin C is in them. If you have any doubts or questions about your intake, please discuss this with your doctor.

How much vitamin C do you need

Adults need 75 milligrams of vitamin C daily. With a severe deficiency you will have to deal with reduced resistance, slower wound healing and eventually even scurvy.

Vitamin C is mainly found in fruits, vegetables and potatoes. Especially in cabbages, citrus fruit, kiwis, berries and strawberries. To preserve as much vitamin C as possible, it is important to cook vegetables in a small amount of water. Do not cook them too long, because then vitamins will be lost. If you eat healthy and varied and you do not need a vitamin C supplement.

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